
See How This N-Power Volunteer Named His Newly Opened Shop

Sooner or latter people will begin to Name human N-Power, because of the popularity the programme has gained within this short period. Earlier today a guy whom we believed to be an NPower Volunteer shared the photo of his newly opened shop and Named it N-Power Electronic Shop, what a wise way to pick a business name.

The truth is that the Name NPower is like a brand on his own that people can actually make some furtune out of it. That Name Npower has a fan base that is more than 5million, imagine what you could achieve with that traffic if creatively use for a positive course. Would you name your business after NPower?

This is another way of showing NPowerNG appreciation for given business capital inform of stipends. Most especially when You get your stipend and use it for business, People can easily remember the Name because it's short, simple and popular among Nigerian in every nook and cranny. The Name can equally attract large number of new potential customer

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