Nigeria Customs begins online auctioning of seized item. At its coming into being in 1891, Nigeria Customs Service was saddled With the responsibilities of revenue collection, accounting for same and anti smuggling activities. Today trade facilitation has become a fundamental role, progressively seen by government as an important element of economic policy, With Customs having a unique position within the hub of the international supply chain of goods and services.
According to the Controller of customs, interested members of the public can log into the internet designated website and select any of the items listed on the purchase list.
The Controller also disclosed that among items to be auctioned electronically were Rolls Royce cars, Mercedes, Toyota and vehicles of different makes and other intercepted contraband. He stated that the recourse to online sales of seized goods is to make the process as transparent as possible.
How To Order For Seized Items On Nigeria Customs e-Auctions Online Portal
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