This Transition data collection is Specifically for N-Power Beneficiaries of Adamawa State.

The Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social development Through The Office of the Adamawa State Focal Person. Collection of NPower batch A and B Beneficiaries Data for transportation.
This Form is the second phase of Data collection as requested by the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian affair, Disaster Management And Social Deve|opment for the Adamawa N-Power Beneficiaries of Batch A and B.
All the Fields are Compulsory. So, Enter appropriately.
Any Beneficiary whose entry appears twice will be ignored. TAKE NOTE
Click here to fill Adamawa Transition form
The Minister of Humanitarian Affairs has requested that NSIPs State focal persons should submit all Npower batch A and B Beneficiaries who are interested to benefit from the Ministry planned Transition for the volunteers.
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