NMFB Begin Delivery Of Equipment To NIB TCF Loan Applicants
This is to inform you that applicants that applied for the credit facilities under the Non-interest Banking Window of the Targeted Credit Facility (TCF) are now receiving their EQUIPMENT and GOODS.
You may want to also check 13 Questions Answered By NMFN On Non-Interest TCF Loan Today
NMFB's Non-interest Banking TCF & AGSMEIS is a non-interest short-term facility targeted to small businesses for the financing of key assets for their businesses.
Accordingly to NMFB, If you qualified for the TCF loan, your vendor will contact you and deliver your equipment to you. And if your location is far from your vendor, he will contact you to meet him in a particular place to get your equipment.
See photo below:

Please don't meet anyone in an unknown place! make sure that your meeting place is in a public location.
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