
How To Preserve Your Tomatoes For Christmas Stew

How To Preserve Your Tomatoes For Christmas Stew

In today's Npower discussion group holiday season post, we will be discussing How To Preserve Your Tomatoes For Christmas Stew. So keep reading!

You know that tomatoes and pepper can easily get spoiled if not well preserve and some of us usually use the freezer to store tomatoes and pepper from getting spoiled. This Christmas, to stop your tomatoes & Pepper from getting bad because of Electricity power failure or freezer issues, kindly follow the steps below to preserve your tomatoes for Christmas stew or subsequent used, especially when you buy in bulk.

How To Preserve Your Tomatoes For Christmas Stew

1. Buy your Christmas Tomatoes and blend it

2. pour in a pot and boil for several minutes for the water to dry and thickens.

3. Get some glass jars with a tight lid. An empty mayonnaise bottle can work.

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4. Pour the blended mix the jars

5. Drop the jars in a pot of water completely submerge it and boil for few minutes

6. Bring it out and allow to cool and then store in a dark cool place

Note: When using for Christmas stew, use a whole bottle one at a time so it won't turn sour from scooping

Happy holiday 2022! Enjoy your Christmas season...

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