As an Admin of Npower Discussion Group, your duties and responsibility are as follow:
1. You and other Admin are to approve new Group members
2. You can also approve and delete post
3. Before approving any post, you are to carefully read, scan through the post before approving
4. You are also allowed to update group members with latest Npower information when the need arise.
As Admin you are not allow to do the following:
1. Do not approve Npower Fake news
2. You are not allow to approve adverts or promote any article that is of no use to group members. All non related Npower post are to be deleted or rejected.
3. You are not allow to edit the group setting or any other information on the group.
4. As an Admin you are not allow to accept or approve post that are not written in English
5. Admin are not allow to approve Religious post based on logistics
Thanks for your cooperation

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