
Article Dedicated To N-Power Teachers (Teachers Reward In Heaven Or On Earth)

Share by Stephen Apebo

TEACHERS' REWARD, IN HEAVEN OR ON EARTH (this post is dedicated to N-power, Nteach nation wide)

Many people have frowned at teaching profession and the rationale behind their attitude towards this noble profession is not far fetch. Some is based on the fact that the welfare, the remuneration accord to teachers in this country especially primary and secondary school teachers as salary is nothing to write home about. Because of this poor pay, it is evidently seen in some teachers as they live from hand to mouth especially those who have many mouths to feed.

Another issue and the worst is that many of this primary and secondary school teachers are under paid. Going through these teachers' qualifications, some of them are master's holders with their Phds in view and yet, teaching in primary schools, as well as those with degrees uncountable. I was discussing with a woman, a mother who unfortunately failed the Kaduna state primary schools competency test and I was shocked to learn that she is a master's holder.

In order to strike a balance and a way of adding glamour as well as to encouraging and motivating and making teaching profession especially in the primary and post primary levels attractive, government at all levels most ensure that teachers imparting knowledge under these levels of education in Nigeria are highly paid. The foundation of every other profession was made starting from your primary and secondary school levels.

No medical doctor or an engineer or a legal luminary or a teacher  himself never attended primary or secondary school. if there is one, show me and I will tell you who you are. So, the people laying the foundation should be treated well so as to motivating them to doing more. There is an adage that says "hungry man is an angry man“ How can a hungry teacher be about to impart knowledge into the young ones? Even as a father at home, how can a hungry Parent be able to attend to his family problems appropriately? They say "charity begins at home" So, if a hungry Parent who happens to be a teacher cannot attend to his children' problems at home because of hunger then, how can he or she be able to solve the academic problems of his pupils or students? That's why you find such teachers become irregular to class as they do hence, you find some of them going to farms just to be able to feed their families.

Finally, teachers' reward must be tapped on earth. Government at all levels must give priority attention to primary and secondary school teachers welfare. I strongly believe that if the remuneration is encouraging, existing primary and secondary school teachers will put in their best. Nobody will be lazy or reluctant to his or her class and many people will respect teaching profession.

Long live, N-powerN-teach nation wide. #NPowerNG #NpowerTeach

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