For those of you that can't watch tonight Facebook live video Chat with Mr. Afolabi, we have transcribed some of the issues he discussed in the video. Check it below:
I wish you all a happy new year. Greetings from Mr President and his vice president.This is also a year of decision,the election is coming up so its important that we also speak to you about this season.This is going to be a very short chat with you,because its the beginning of the year.
I am sure by now you are comforted because you have received your alerts. I think by your December alert you can now confirm that your enhancement program has started.
As we have announced since last year December, that you have cried out to Mr president that you don't want to go back to the street and the president had heard you, however the process of getting you engaged is in process. There is no straight jacket, we keep engaging your state government, if there is going to be any engagement it will come from your state. Mr president has agreed and did say he will continue on your enhancement and in a few days or weeks time we will let you know of the various engagement we are having with the private or public sector and even your state government.
Please continue to work, I did get report that most of you in the batch one stopped going to work. Please retrace your steps and continue to go to work. If you have outgrown the Npower program please resign from the programme. Your next level will start this year so continue your duty diligently.
I know some of you haven't gotten your devices, now that most of your payment have been resolved we are banking on the fact that when the batch 2 starts collecting their device you will get yours.
This is privileged you shouldn't be rude because we owe you, you should understand that this happened because we tried to pay you but we couldn't pay you. So, please keep trust with us and don't try to manipulate the process. We are doing our best to close up on backlogs. Please reach out to our support lines if you are having issues with your device
I want to hope that this new year you will achieve a lot, I believe there is a lot you will learn from the batch one. You have a lot of weight to pull. Is there any of you that is still not enrolled? note that it might be because you have not uploaded your deployment letter or there should be some gaps maybe your state omitted your name when sending the list or the PPA you uploaded is different from the one your state sent to us.
We are in the concluding phase, you will get your devices and please understand this a period where most of us are busy in the fields but I will be able to notify you in the coming days or week to go to the N-power portal to select your device.
Communications has been going on and in the next few weeks we will be able to communicate a date for your resumption.
lam aware that there were considerations but I don't know if they have been finalized. We will let you know if something comes up.
Your commitment should be about building yourself to build your future. If you agree with me then you must not be part of the election violence.
As you know, the President and his Vice are running for re-election, and I am proud to endorse them because these are two persons that have shown discipline and you can bank safely with them.
They are doing more for less than while we had more and it was this season of less we engaged you guys and even we rare feeding our school children and even some of the farmer are benefiting from the home grown school feeding program. Over a 100,000 cooks have also been engaged and most of you also have earn lots of other benefits by partaking in enumerating Nigerians for trader Moni and other programs. I am proud of the President and I employ you to endorse them too.
When you applied for the N-power programme, we didn't ask you what political affiliation you belong to, this program has been apolitical and if therefore we did all these I therefore have no doubt that you are free as a Nigerian citizen to vote for Mr president and no one should intimidate you. Even if you choose not to vote, no one is going to force you, the choice is yours.
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