
The Need For Side Hustle - Case Study Of Npower March Stipends Delay

By sale Man Ken

If you want to be stagnant as a beneficiary, when you receive your stipends, don't save, don't invest a dime into any business and don't learn a skill.

Continue doing that then when Npower fails to pay after 30days come back and squeal like a hungry pig and insult PMB & Afolabi as if they are the cause of your poverty.

In case you don't know, even Civil servants who fail to invest or acquire properties like land, house, etc do also regret when they retire. Is that how you want to end up?

Nothing good comes easy. Learn the habit of saving a percentage of your money every month. It's for your own good.

I formed the habit of investing or saving 2/3 of my stipends every month so am

use to it. Without mincing words, Npower is now my 3rd source of income and the smallest after my business and job.

Think and work out your tomorrow today. Don't join the band wagon of people who can never save or invest their money but they are very rich in complains, excuses and insults.

Whether you like to hear it or not, God is blessing you through Npower its left for you appreciate it or not or to make good use of His blessings because the day of reckoning is coming when you shall give account on how you spent your stipends.

I will keep blowing the trumpet until the end of Npower comes.

I am Kenobi A.K.A Sales Man Ken and this is my parting shot for you today. Ponder over it and make amends. See you at top. Cheers

If you want to be stagnant as a beneficiary, when you receive your stipends, don't save, don't invest a dime into any business and don't learn a skill.

Continue doing that then when Npower fails to pay after 30days come back and squeal like a hungry pig and insult PMB & Afolabi as if they are the cause of your poverty.

In case you don't know, even Civil servants who fail to invest or acquire properties like land, house, etc do also regret when they retire. Is that how you want to end up?

Nothing good comes easy. Learn the habit of saving a percentage of your money every month. It's for your own

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