
Activities To Return As Kaduna State Government Lift Quarantine Order Partially

Kaduna State Gpvernment gives update on Quarantine Order opens up activities.

From tomorrow, Wednesday, 10 June 2020, the Quarantine Order is amended to permit a significant reopening of the state. The restriction of intra-state movement is lifted, subject to a nighttime curfew of 8pm to Sam.

Subject to compliance with safe reopening protocols, businesses can reopen, with the provision of thermometers for temperature checks, sanitizers or handwashing equipment and physical distancing measures within all facilities. Working hours will be 93m to 3pm daily.

Church services are allowed only on Sundays and Mosques are allowed to conduct only Friday Jumat services, for the time being, subject to compliance with the safety stipulations in the guidelines.

Supermarkets and providers of personal services such as hair dressing and barbing salons can reopen; Hotels can fullv open. but with their restaurants and bars offering only room service. Restaurants may all reopen after decontamination, but are still restricted to takeaways.

At this stage of Covid-19 containment, it is still considered unsafe for markets and schools to reopen, and we will keep engaging with the relevant stakeholders on the matter, to determine the appropriate timing and conditions precedent.

Public servants will be summoned back to work in phases to be back to work in phases to be announced by the Head of Service.

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