Check To See If Your Covid-19 TCF Application Is Approved

In today's latest Covid-19 TCF News - we will be discussing the steps needed for Applicants to see if their loan application is approved! So read on.
Did you apply for any of the household or SME Covid-19 TCF loans? If yes, then we have good news for you. You can now Kindly click on the links below to check if you have approval.
For Household:
For SME:
If you need to make further inquiries, call 099010026900, the support team number.
You may want to also read NIRSAL Microfinance Bank Non-Interest Loan Portal Goes Live
However, you should note that the AGSMEIS Non-Interest is different from AGSMEIS Regular, though facilitated by the same Financial Institue. You can apply for any of them or both, but once you get paid for one, you cannot get for the other.
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