
The Fear Of N-Power Volunteers In Settling Down And How FG Can Be Of Help

NPower discussion group has been following comments of some N-Power volunteers on some of their popular social media platforms and one of the issue that bothers most of them is the issue of marriage.

Many of them believe that they have reached the stage of settling down but they are afraid of getting married due to the fear of the unforeseen circumstances pertaining their future with N-Power. So, you see some of them asking questions such as:

  • Can an N-Power volunteer marry with N30,000 monthly stipends
  • Can an N-Power volunteer marry an N-Power volunteer
  • If an N-Power volunteer marry an N-Power volunteer, wetting dem go born

All these and more are frequently asked questions by some Npower volunteers marriage wise. And when an individual begins to think and asking questions as stated above, it simply signifies a sign that someone is thinking marriage which is recommended.

You have heard and seen a situation whereby a government of certain state-organized mass wedding for persons who have reached the age of marriage but had no finance to get married.

In the case of N-Power volunteers, I believe that what they are yearning for is not a mass wedding from the government but assurance of a permanent job so that they can move out of this fear of what the future holds. (If this can really be tackle in 2020 more N-Power boys and girls will transit to become Men and Women). Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing.

Some of the N-Power volunteers have spent 4 good years of their life in the NPower programme and some of them are not getting any younger so there is a need for an urgent plan to upgrade them into the more paying venture for them to move to the next level of life.

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