
Why Npower Should Consider Security In Volunteers Deployment


As Npower begin the process of Npower batch C deployment, it is very important that the management of the Programme look into the necessary safety measures in volunteers primary assignment posting. The management should consider posting volunteers to areas that are safe.

Though the Programme setting is to post volunteers to their LGA of residence to serve in their communities, there are previous complaints of volunteers been posted to far places other than their communities. You may want to also check PPA Where Npower Batch C Volunteers Will Be Deployed To

The security situation in the country at the moment calls for adequate measure to safeguard volunteers wherever they may be posted to. The management of NPower should collaborate with the security agencies to set up emergency call lines for help when the need arises. They should also ensure that Npower Volunteers are only posted to areas that have been adjudged safe and as advised by the security agencies.

The Npower management should also introduce relocation on the grounds of security challenges along with the existing rules of the Programme. This may also interest you Why You Should Know Your State Focal Person As A Npower Beneficiary

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